How to Make Traffic Light Project using Arduino


Creating a Traffic Light Project using Arduino is a fun and educational way to delve into electronics and programming. It allows you to simulate a familiar scenario – traffic lights at an intersection – while learning the basics of control systems and coding. In this project, we’ll explore How to Make Traffic Light Project using Arduino and a Traffic Light Module.

Hardware Required

1×Arduino UNO
1×USB 2.0 cable type A/B
1×Traffic Light Module
1×Jumper Wires
1×(Optional) 9V Power Adapter for Arduino
1×(Optional) Screw Terminal Block Shield for Arduino Uno
1xDIYables Sensor Kit 30 types, 69 units

What is a Traffic Light Project?

A Traffic Light Project using Arduino involves emulating the behavior of a standard traffic signal. It consists of three lights: red, yellow, and green, each with its specific timing sequence. These lights change in a way that mimics real traffic lights, controlling the flow of “traffic” in your miniature world.

Circuit Diagram

How to Make Traffic Light Project using Arduino


#define PIN_RED    2 // The Arduino pin connected to R pin of traffic light module
#define PIN_YELLOW 3 // The Arduino pin connected to Y pin of traffic light module
#define PIN_GREEN  4 // The Arduino pin connected to G pin of traffic light module

#define RED_TIME     4000 // RED time in millisecond
#define YELLOW_TIME  4000 // YELLOW time in millisecond
#define GREEN_TIME   4000 // GREEN time in millisecond

void setup() {
  pinMode(PIN_RED, OUTPUT);

// the loop function runs over and over again forever
void loop() {
  // red light on
  digitalWrite(PIN_RED, HIGH);   // turn on
  digitalWrite(PIN_YELLOW, LOW); // turn off
  digitalWrite(PIN_GREEN, LOW);  // turn off
  delay(RED_TIME); // keep red light on during a period of time

  // yellow light on
  digitalWrite(PIN_RED, LOW);    // turn off
  digitalWrite(PIN_YELLOW, HIGH); // turn on
  digitalWrite(PIN_GREEN, LOW); // turn off
  delay(YELLOW_TIME); // keep yellow light on during a period of time

  // green light on
  digitalWrite(PIN_RED, LOW);    // turn off
  digitalWrite(PIN_YELLOW, LOW); // turn off
  digitalWrite(PIN_GREEN, HIGH); // turn on
  delay(GREEN_TIME); // keep green light on during a period of time

Code Work

The provided code defines the pins to which the Traffic Light Module’s red, yellow, and green LEDs are connected. It specifies the timing for each light, emulating a standard traffic light sequence – red, yellow, and green. Here’s a breakdown of the code:

  • Setup: The setup function initializes the pins connected to the LEDs as OUTPUT.
  • Loop: In the loop function, the code cycles through the traffic light sequence:
    1. The red LED turns on for a specified duration (RED_TIME).
    2. Next, the yellow LED is activated for a set duration (YELLOW_TIME).
    3. Finally, the green LED is illuminated for a specified time (GREEN_TIME).

By repeating this loop, you create a continuous traffic light sequence, simulating the operation of a real traffic light.

Application of the Traffic Light Project

  1. Educational Tool: Ideal for teaching basic electronics and programming concepts.
  2. Traffic Simulation: Use in model city displays, school projects, or driving simulations.
  3. Safety Awareness: Promote road safety by demonstrating the importance of traffic lights.
  4. Interactive Displays: Incorporate into interactive art installations and exhibitions.
  5. Prototype Testing: Test traffic management algorithms for real-world applications.

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